Code of Business Conduct

1. Our Core Values
Votre is grounded in a set of core values that we embrace and consistently strive to implement in our daily work:

  • Act with integrity, dignity and respect
  • Achieve our objectives and deadlines
  • Demonstrate a passion for technology and creativity
  • Offer a pleasant customer experience

These core values serve as a compass to offer the highest quality services. Our ongoing commitment to these values is essential to ensure that we will operate with the highest ethical standards and achieve our objectives.

Votre’s Code of Business Conduct describes and reinforces behaviour that is based on guiding core values, consistent with our policies, practices, legal obligations and compliance regulations.

The Code of Business Conduct applies to all Votre employees and partners when acting on behalf of Votre

2. Customers and the Marketplace
Votre strives to create value for its customers. In so doing, it is essential that we conduct our business activities in a manner that is lawful and fair with the highest level of integrity toward our employees, our customers, our community and any other participants.

3. Customer Value Creation
Votre endeavours to provide quality service to its customers and to collaborate with them to seize opportunities that are value-driven. Votre places its customers’ interests first, and provides excellence in its deliverables.

4. Competition and Fair Treatment
While Votre encourages its collaborators to compete vigorously in the marketplace, every person must conduct business affairs in a fair and lawful manner and avoid all forms of deceptive conduct or unfair advantage through manipulation, concealment, misrepresentation of material facts or other.

5. Protection of Customer and Third-Party Information and Intellectual Property
Votre takes appropriate measures to protect copyrighted or licensed information as well as any confidential or otherwise protected information of its customers and third parties. This includes understanding and abiding by any applicable contractual restrictions that Votre has agreed to follow with its customers or other third parties.

We will not discuss, disclose, copy or otherwise use any copyrighted, licensed or confidential customer or third-party information without prior authorization from the owner, and then only as authorized and required for our work.

Votre personnel may not use copyrighted, licensed, or confidential customer or third-party information for their personal advantage or for the interests of Votre, except where specifically authorized by Votre and the said customer or third party. It is the responsibility of each of us to take the necessary precautions to ensure that unauthorized persons do not have access to or use such information.

6. Accurate Invoicing
Votre pays a particular attention to the accuracy of invoices. Each and every invoice submitted is based on accurate and complete information and is in compliance with the underlying contractual arrangements.

7. Gifts and Hospitality
In order to maintain the highest standards of integrity and objectivity in dealing with customers and vendors, given or received gifts or hospitality must be of nominal value and must be in compliance with applicable laws, the policies of givers and receivers on the matter, and local business customs and practices.

Entertainment and meals offered or received as part of legitimate business activities are generally allowed, but must be within the boundaries of reason and moderation. Monetary fifts of cash or cash equivalents to or from any current, former or potential customer or vendor are not permitted. Cash equivalents include cheques, money orders, company shares and securities. Generally, raffles and prizes that are part of a business activity are not considered gifts, but approval must first be obtained. All gifts and hospitality offered by Votre personnel must be recorded in accordance with its expense and reporting policies.

Votre approves items provided to its employees as recognition for a business achievement or part of a sponsored event, but these are subject to all applicable tax requirements.

8. Professional Conduct
Our employees and partners must conduct themselves professionally when visiting clients and act appropriately in their work-related activities. Professional conduct is an integral part of the Votre image and business impact.

9. Meritocracy
All collaborators have the right to be treated equitably and to work in an environment that is free of unlawful or unfair discrimination.

Votre is committed to preserving and enhancing diversity within the organization.

10. Anti-Harassment
Harassment in any form is unethical and can expose the company to legal action if based on sex, race, religion, colour, age, non-disqualifying physical or mental disability, national origin, sexual orientation, or any other category protected by law.

Harassment can take the form of verbal comments, physical touching or other inappropriate behaviour, and will not be tolerated. It could seriously undermine the integrity of the professional workplace as a space for everyone to grow and succeed. Members of personnel and partners have the right to work in an harassment-free environment and to report inappropriate behaviour without fear of retaliation.

11. Conflicts of Interest and Business Opportunities
Our personnel and partners must avoid situations where they could potentially act in a way that is not in the best interest of Votre and should endeavor to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest.

It is impossible to identify all situations that could create a conflict of interest or the appearance of one, and Votre relies on the good judgment and integrity of its team. It is always better to come forward before taking action than to have to explain your decision after the fact.

12. Maintaining a Safe Workplace
Violent behaviour or threats of violent behaviour in the workplace are never appropriate and will not be tolerated. Anyone who, while doing work for Votre, engages in such actions or threats, brings weapons or harmful or threatening materials into the workplace or otherwise engages in such conduct outside the workplace while performing work on behalf of Votre will be subject to immediate termination of contract.

13. Personal Data Privacy
Votre is committed to respecting and protecting the legitimate interests of its team members and the privacy of their personal data.

14. Internet, Email, and Voice Communications
Personnel must exercise good judgment and act in a professional manner when using Votre resources. This includes e-mail, Internet access and other external electronic systems. This rule also extends to activities on customer systems or with customer provided access.

15. The protection of Votre Name and Brand
Votre name and brand identity are valuable assets that differentiate us from our competitors. Our name and brand identity represent us on the market. Our words and actions support and promote Votre’s name, brand identity, brand positioning, and our personality as a company.

No third party has the right to use our name or brand without our prior written approval, and this approval must be granted in accordance with our corporate identity policies.

16. Votre Confidential and Proprietary Information
Personnel members have a responsibility to protect Votre’s confidential and proprietary information from disclosure and improper use, including in its business associations and with its customers. We expect our personnel to strictly adhere to our internal information security policies, communication policies, and agreements governing proper use and disclosure.

Personnel members may only disclose confidential and proprietary information if they have proper authorization to do so. Even then, only parties with a legitimate business need for information will obtain it. Confidential and proprietary information includes but is not limited to any information or material not generally available to the public that is created, collected or used by Votre Certain obligations with respect to Votre’s confidential and proprietary information continue to apply even after the association with Votre terminates.

17. Votre Financial Information
Votre is committed to full, fair, accurate and timely disclosure of reports and documents submitted to regulatory bodies and of other public communications.

18. Financial Integrity and Reporting
Votre is required to comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”), and its personnel is required to comply with internal accounting and auditing controls and to obey applicable laws.

Records and reports must accurately and fairly reflect, in reasonable detail, Votre’s assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. All transactions must be recorded accurately in the proper accounting period and must be supported by precise documentation.

19. Compliance With Laws
Votre and its personnel have a responsibility to comply with all applicable laws. If a local law conflicts with the Code of Business Conduct, we will comply with the law. If a local business practice conflicts with our Code, we will follow the law.

20. Improper or Questionable Payments
Votre prohibits any undisclosed, unrecorded or falsely recorded transactions as well as any payments made for other purposes than their stated intention. Votre will not pay bribes or make improper payments to obtain new contracts, to retain existing contractsor to secure any improper advantages.

21. The Environment
Votre is committed to the protection of the environment. Consequently, documents will be sent or received electronically as much as possible, rather than in hardcopy form.